The long awaited Bowls Gokubuto kit has been out for awhile, but the BOWLSLAxTOKYOPARTS collab deserves all the hype because this thing is pure fatty sickness! If you wanna fatty kit for you're ruck, this is the one to get!
Sekizawa-san of Tokyo Parts, the mastermind behind the Gokubuto, originally produced this custom tailored kit for each individual customer in Japan. We worked very closely together and after months of deliberation we finally came up with what we feel is the the best option for a complete wide wheel kit for North American consumers.
“To tell you the truth, I’ve always wanted to bring the big wheel style that the Harley’s had in America to the Zoomer. So I guess you can call this a reimported style since the inspiration really came from all the larger American bikes."