Wednesday, February 11, 2009

HMG's TN family (Forrest Intro)

So I guess an intro is the proper way to start my first HMG post. My name is Forrest and I'm from Memphis,TN aka "the dirty dime". Some of you may not know it but Brandon and Karen spent quite a few years here. Its actually kind of funny how we met. He needed some help getting his car running so I helped him out. It turned out he was a cool dude so I didn't charge him anything and we've pretty much been tight since that day. Its strange, but most of my best friends I met through cars. I've been working in the automotive aftermarket industry for the past four years and I'm also heavily into drifting. Cars are a hobby that has pretty much become my life. Hopefully I can share a little bit of the car/racing life with the readers of this blog.



HMGapparel said...

Welcome Forrest!!! Thank you for contribution to HMG

hmgken said...

thanks for contributing forrest! i personally look forward to your postifications...